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Search Engine Optimization

At Fox Valley Web Design we have many different clients, all with one SEO Mission:  Get my site to the top of the major search engines.  That search engine optimization mission has been accomplished time and time again for clients of Fox Valley Web Design.  We no longer need to explain the benefits of search engine optimization. It seems that everyone “gets it” now.   If you are not sure of the benefits of a high ranking in the major search engines please call us and we will explain the benefits of professional search engine optimization (SEO) services.    There are more than 97 billion web searches each month in Google, Yahoo and Bing alone. There are over 5.35 billion ACTIVE internet users worldwide and 275 million live in the United States.fvwd-seo-circle

What is the SEO Process used by Fox Valley Web Design to optimize websites for high rankings in the major search engines?

Fox Valley Web Design use’s professional SEO software for effective keyword niche research, website audits and analysis, competitors analysis, safe link building (now dubbed link earning), in-depth social media metrics and marketing analytics.  The 11 step graphic on the right visually summarizes the steps we take during the SEO process.

  • Research your keywords – we will spot the exact words people will type in Google to find your website.  Our SEO software tools will help find keywords with the biggest potential to bring in your desired profits.
  • Optimize your website pages’ content – The content of your webpages must be optimized for top rankings.  Our SEO software gives detailed advice on how exactly to arrange keywords on the website to get maximum chances to appear in top search engines results.
  • Shape up your website structure – There is a whole lot of factors concerning your website’s structure and coding that hugely influence search engines’ rankings.  If we designed your website all structural and code-related aspects of your website will be ready for the SEO phase of the project.  If your site was coded elsewhere we will have to evaluate your websites coding and correct any of your website’s structural coding if needed.
  • Get links pointing to your website – Obviously having numbers of high quality links pointing to your website is crucial when Googles decide how to rank you. Our SEO software has advanced link management tools that helps us boost your website’s link popularity and skyrocket it straight to Google’s top.  We’ll find top quality link partners, establish thousands of first–class links, back up your link popularity with extra security steps and manage your link building.  Having Fox Valley Web Design’s website link on your site will also drive your site to the top of the search engines
  • Spy on your competitors –  we will uncover your competitors’ linking strategy  and provide a step–by–step personal plan to outsmart any other website owner out there. Today SEO consultants are working for about 5 days and charge up to $4,500 for this kind of instructions — stop the the madness and stop getting ripped off.  We are Wisconsin’s leading SEO Company, isn’t it time you deal with a honest, professional search engine optimization company?  Make the switch, call Fox Valley Web Design today to get started: 920-434-9772
  • Estimate your progress – You can already picture thousands of visitors opening their wallets to give you their cash, holding their credit cards to add to your bank account. Indeed you’re just one step away from getting the richest guy’s top position in Google. Still there’s a thing you must know: where’s your site right now? Is it moving higher at an ultrasonic speed so you can leave it alone and go on a Miami vacation? Or did you get stuck somewhere on Google’s page 4 and need some quick action?  We can instantly check where your site is ranking, for all of your keywords, in all search engines!  We will keep an eagle eye on your competitors’ ranking and compare them to yours.

Fox Valley Web Design will take the mystery out the search engines and deliver organic traffic to your website using our proven search engine optimization methods & experience.  Our SEO results will give you a return on investment your business deserves, guaranteed!  We design great one-of-a-kind websites that are properly coded and optimized for high rankings in the major search engines and driving traffic to your website and social media.

About The World-Wide Web Search Engines

There are thousands of different search engines available on the Internet, each with their own features and abilities. The first search engine ever developed was Archie  (view Wikipedia), which was used to search for FTP files and the first text-based search engine is considered Veronica.  Today, the most popular and well known search engine is Google.

Search engines are programs that search online websites, documents & images for specified keywords and return a list of websites & files where the keywords were found.  A search engine is really a general class of programs, however, the term is often used to specifically describe systems like Google, Bing and Yahoo! Search that enable users to search for documents on the World Wide Web.

Typically, Web search engines work by sending out a spider to fetch as many websites, documents & images as possible. Another program, called an indexer, then reads these websites & files and creates an index based on the words contained in each which it displays in your browser. Each search engine uses a proprietary algorithm to create its indices such that, ideally, only meaningful results are returned for each query.

As many website owners rely on search engines to send traffic to their website, and entire industry has grown around the idea of optimizing Web content to improve your website placement in search engine results.

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Search engine optimization, SEO for short, is the simple activity of ensuring that your website can be found in search engines for keywords and phrases relevant to your business or organization’s offerings of products, services or information.  The SEO process includes different phases from research, coding, submissions, reporting, analyzing, and then repeating the process after adjustments have been made based on analysis from Google Analytics and our professional SEO tools.

The search engines already have millions of users (traffic).  If your site is correctly optimized it will  intercept that traffic from the search engines and visitors will come to your site.  You’ve heard the saying, “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink”,  the same is true with search engine optimization & web design.   If your site is lacking a professional design with Call To Actions (CTA’s) that organic search engine traffic will leave or bounce to another site within a few seconds.   For search engine optimization to be successful we will convert the traffic we drive to your site, to stay and take action whether it is a phone call, e-mail, newsletter sign-up or to make a purchase in your online store.

In search results Google™ displays links to pages it considers relevant and authoritative. Authority is mostly measured by analyzing the number and quality of links from other web pages.  In simple terms your web pages have the potential to rank in Google™ so long as other web pages link to them or whats referred to as reciprocal links.  Link building can increase the number of high-quality links pointing to your website, in turn increasing the likelihood of the website ranking highly in search engine results.  Link building is also a proven marketing tactic for increasing brand awareness.

What actually works for driving Organic Traffic to my website from Google?

First it’s important to note that Google™ is responsible for most of the search engine traffic in the world. This may vary from niche to niche, but it’s likely that Google is the dominant player in the search results that your business or website would want to show up in, and the best practices outlined in this guide will help position your site and its content to rank in other search engines, as well.

Google’s algorithm is extremely complex:

  • Google is looking for pages that contain high-quality, relevant information about the searcher’s query.
  • They determine relevance by “crawling” (or reading) your website’s content and evaluating whether that content is relevant to what the searcher is looking for, mostly based on the keywords it contains.
  • They determine “quality” by a number of means, but prominent among those is still the number and quality of other websites that link to your page and your site as a whole. To put it extremely simply: If the only sites that link to your green widget site are blogs that no one else on the Web has linked to, and my gold widget site gets links from trusted places that are linked to frequently, like Packers.com, Milwaukee Brewers, Milwaukee Bucks, or Wisconsin Badgers, my gold widget site will be more trusted (and assumed to be higher quality) than your blue widget site.

Increasingly, additional elements are being weighed by Google’s algorithm to determine where your site will rank, such as:

  • How people engage with your site (Do they find the information they need and stay on your site, or bounce back to the search page and click on another link? Or do they just ignore your listing in search results altogether and never click-through?)
  • Your site’s loading speed and “mobile friendliness”
  • How much unique content you have (versus very “thin” or duplicated, low-value content)

There are hundreds of ranking factors Google’s algorithm considers in response to searches, and they are constantly updating and refining their process.

The good news is we are here to help your site to rank highly for valuable terms in search results.  Our SEO Strategy includes proven, repeatable practices for optimizing websites for Google search that will drive targeted traffic to your website.

Optimizing for Different Types of Search Results

In addition to optimizing for the desktop experience, we also optimize for mobile and tablet devices as well as other media including video.  We also optimize your images and PDF’s for search results.

Focus on Your Meta Data

We will make sure the content on your site is optimized for your keywords and that each page has title tags and meta descriptions.  Meta keywords are pretty much ignored by search engines nowadays not to be confused with Keyword density that we create on each individual page.   We make sure your meta descriptions are unique and speak to that specific page.  As a rule of thumb we treat your Title tags as 4-8 word ad for each individual page to entice the reader so they want to click and read more.

SEO for Social Media

Keyword strategy is not only important to implement through out your website, but should extend to other off-site or social media platforms, which is why we also offer multi-channel or social media optimization. These social media platforms include:  Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Vimeo, and more.  Being consistent with keyword phrases within these platforms will not only help your branding efforts, but also train users to use specific phrases you’re optimizing for.

 Isn’t it time to take your SEO strategy  to the next level & obtain actual results for your online or brick ‘n’ mortar business?   Call Fox Valley Web Design today to get started with a SEO Plan that fits your budget: 920-434-9772.

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